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BusBoss Blogs


Best Practices for Hiring School Bus Drivers

Are you having much luck hiring new school bus drivers? If you're like many districts around the country, this is a constant source of frustration. The bus driver shortage shows no signs of abating, with some outlets even referring to it as "the new norm."..

Transportation_Management_Software, school_bus_routing_software, student_transportation_software, school_bus_drivers, school_bus_route_planning_software

School Bus Drivers Stop Bullying

Protecting Disabled Students From Bullying On The School Bus

Bullying is a hot topic at the moment, with many seeing the proliferation of bullying as one of the biggest problems in modern school districts. Administrators are under pressure to cut down on bullying and, in particular, shield disabled students from att..

transportation_management_services, school_bus_bullying, bullying, school_bus_drivers, RFID_student_ridership_tracking

Ways School Administrators Can Support School Bus Drivers

Given how badly the school bus driver shortage is affecting school districts around the country, it's absolutely vital that school transportation directors and administrations do whatever they can to retain the drivers on their payroll. In many areas, this..

transportation_management_services, school_bus_routing_software, Drivers, school_bus_tracking_software, school_bus_drivers

School Bus Drivers Response If A Fire Broke Out

On January 31, 2019, a driver in Tamarac, Florida, had to deal with one of the nightmare scenarios most school bus drivers hope they never have to handle - a fire onboard the bus. For reasons still under investigation, black smoke started coming out of the..

Transportation_Management_Software, Student_Tracking_Software, school_bus_tracking_software, school_bus_drivers, school_bus_route_planning_software

Time's Up: Urgency in Addressing School Bus Drivers with Expired Credential

As a school district transportation coordinator, it's vital to ensure your buses are always fit for duty. Typically this involves focusing on repair and maintenance issues. However, it can be easy to overlook one other crucial matter: credentials.

transportation_management_services, school_bus_drivers, School_bus_driver_trainig, School_bus_driver_safety, school_bus_route_planning_software

4 Bright Recruiting Ideas: Bus Drivers

Districts everywhere are suffering from a lack of school bus drivers, and the shortage shows no signs of going away. If you’re going to get the drivers you need, you often have to be more clever than other recruiters. In previous blogs, we’ve covered many ..

Transportation_Management_Software, school_bus_drivers, Student_School_Bus_Safety, school_bus_route_planning_software, school_bus_route_scheduling_software

Why Diversity Training For School Bus Drivers Is A Must

While it's true that bus driver training is already a fairly lengthy process, more school districts are starting to add another element to their curriculum: diversity training. Providing diversity training to your school bus drivers can help them fit in be..

route_optimization, school_bus_drivers, School_Bus_Routing_System, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

school bus drivers (1)

How Drivers Can Connect With Special Needs Students On The School Bus

Are your bus drivers doing everything they can to look after any special needs students riding the school bus?

route_optimization, special_needs_students, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Tips for Recruiting School Bus Drivers

We keep waiting for the bus driver shortage to end, but it doesn't. For years now, schools have been struggling to find enough school bus drivers to keep all their routes running, and still the problem persists. According to recent studies, 24% of district..

bus_route_optimization, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_transportation, school_bus_drivers, recruit_school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_shortages, inefficient_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Massachusetts Uses National Guard as School Bus Drivers

It seems like states are finally starting to get serious about helping school districts overcome the ongoing school bus driver shortage. Coming right after New York's announcement of programs aimed at recruiting more drivers, Massachusetts has taken things..

school_bus_driver_shortage, school_bus_drivers, Massachusetts_school_bus_drivers

School Bus Driver Training: De-Escalating Parent Disputes

Tensions in America are high right now, and it's spilling over into our schools. These days, it seems like the news is full of stories about conflicts between parents and school staff, including bus drivers. There had always been occasional reports of conf..

school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_training, training_school_bus_drivers

School Bus Driver Strikes And Protests Becoming More Common

The ongoing shortage of school bus drivers may be hitting a breaking point. Schools were already struggling to keep enough drivers on-staff to fulfill their transportation obligations despite the disruption of COVID-19. Now, there's a new threat: school bu..

school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_training, school_bus_driver_retention

South Carolina School Bus Driver Shortages Lead to Long Wait

We all know that the school bus driver shortage is a problem and that it's not getting better. In some areas, it seems, things are getting much worse. Reports have come out about how driver shortages in South Carolina are causing excessive delays and a lot..

school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_retention, school_bus_driver_shortages

Railroad Safety Tips for School Bus Drivers

Few bus accidents could be more devastating than being hit by a train - and it does happen. While train-related accidents are rare, there have been several in the past decade. This could easily be fatal to everyone on the bus if it happens, which is why it..

school_bus_safety, school_bus_drivers, railroad_safety_tips

Virginia Bus Driver Wins Big Money

School Transportation News recently reported on a nice bit of local news: a 23-year veteran Virginia school bus driver who won $10,000 for her excellent service. Beyond simply being a great driver, she was constantly looking for ways to help her students a..

school_bus_driver, school_bus_drivers, Virginia_school_bus_driver

Considering the Future of the Yellow School Bus

What's going to happen to the traditional yellow school bus in the years ahead? Given how much the COVID-19 outbreak has shaken up industries and economies around the world, a lot of people are wondering what it means for the future of school bus transport..

Student_Transportation, student_bus_transportation, school_bus_transportation, school_bus_drivers, Yellow_School_Bus

Addressing Driver Shortage: Reducing School Bus Routes

It's harder than ever for school districts to find enough drivers for their school bus routes. The driver shortage was a problem even before the COVID-19 outbreak, and now it's only gotten worse. An estimated 80% of schools are having trouble finding enoug..

school_bus_driver_shortage, school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_shortages, reducing_school_bus_routes

Increase Your School Bus Drivers' Morale With Public Recognition!

There was a recent feature on STN about Tim Cribley, a Michigan school bus driver who was declared a “Bus Guardian Hero.” Cribley got a well-deserved moment in the sun. It was a chance for the school to highlight the great work he’d done for the district. ..

school_bus_driver, school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_shortages

School Bus Industry: Front-line Heroes

We recently saw a wonderful article from School Transportation News (STN) highlighting some of the most extraordinary things done by school bus drivers in the past year. The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak challenged service workers around the world to step ..

school_bus_transportation, school_bus_drivers, School_bus_industry

Training School Bus Drivers for Worst-Case Scenarios

No one enjoys contemplating the worst things that can go wrong, but when students' lives are on the line, it's important to consider as many scenarios as possible. That's why it's so important to supplement your regular school bus driver training with spec..

training_drivers, school_bus_drivers, School_bus_driver_trainig

Four Big Challenges School Bus Drivers Face

Being a bus driver is never easy, but the job has become particularly difficult with the COVID-19 coronavirus still threatening the country. On top of their other responsibilities, bus drivers are now expected to do much of the heavy lifting in protecting ..

school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_training, training_school_bus_drivers

Protecting Your School Bus Drivers As Schools Reopen

As schools look to reopen in Fall 2020 despite the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, one of the biggest challenges will be in successfully adapting their student bus transportation system. When crafting safety plans, it's vital that one group not go overlooked: y..

school_bus_drivers, school_bus_safety_tips, school_bus_safety_plans, covid-19

Does Your School Bus Safety Plan Overlook Critical Dangers?

When was the last time you ran a tornado drill for a school bus? It's a simple question, but in our experience, a lot of districts get uncomfortable when you ask it. Now, if you can answer "recently!" then that's great - but too many districts tend to focu..

school_bus_safety, school_bus_drivers, school_bus_safety_plans

Eight Tips for Recruiting School Bus Drivers

We keep waiting for the bus driver shortage to end, but it doesn't. For years now, schools have been struggling to find enough school bus drivers to keep all their routes running, and still the problem persists. According to recent studies, 24% of district..

school_bus_transportation, school_bus_drivers, recruit_school_bus_drivers

What Happens When School Bus Drivers Are Sick?

From the perspective of a district transportation manager, the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak came at one of the worst possible times. No time is good for an epidemic, but with schools already hurting from the shortage of school bus drivers, even minor disr..

school_bus_drivers, driver_recruitment, recruit_school_bus_drivers, sick_school_bus_drivers

School Bus Driver Shortages in the Age of COVID-19

The problem of finding enough school bus drivers to keep districts' bus routes running is nothing new. Districts have been facing a bus driver shortage for years, without any real sign of the situation getting better. Now, however, there's a new factor at ..

school_bus_drivers, covid-19, school_bus_driver_shortages

Is CBD Oil Okay for School Bus Drivers?

With the rising costs of health care in the country, more and more people are turning to non-prescription products in an attempt to cure their various ailments. Among various alternatives, the use of cannabidiol (CBD) oil is growing, due to its seeming eff..

school_bus_drivers, Student_School_Bus_Safety, CBD_oil

School Bus Drivers: Combating Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is a serious problem on America's roads. According to compiled statistics, nine people die every day due to a distracted driver, while hundreds more are injured. Distracted driving can happen almost anywhere, at any time, to anyone - inc..

school_bus_driver_shortage, school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_training

Just How Serious Is the School Bus Driver Shortage?

For years, the education sector has been plagued by a school bus driver shortage, and there's no end yet in sight. All signs and surveys point towards districts continuing to struggle to find sufficient drivers to cover their routes. That's causing continu..

school_bus_driver_shortage, school_bus_drivers, recruit_school_bus_drivers

school bus driver

Tennessee School Bus Driver Uses Phone Behind the Wheel

When a parent allows their child to ride a bus, there's a lot of trust involved. They need to believe that the driver is going to protect the students, and consider school bus safety to be their top priority. Unfortunately, this is not always the case - as..

school_bus_safety, school_bus_drivers, Student_School_Bus_Safety

school bus driver training

Texas District Implements Paid School Bus Driver Training

Across the country, one of the biggest challenges facing district transportation directors is simply one of staffing. The nationwide school bus driver shortage continues in full swing, with the majority of districts reporting that they lack all the drivers..

Texas_school_bus_drivers, school_bus_driver_shortage, school_bus_drivers

school bus drivers

School Bus Drivers: Understanding Miranda's Law

In May 2018, a truly tragic school bus accident occurred in New Jersey. A bus traveling on I-80 apparently overshot its intended exit, causing the driver to attempt to pull a massive U-turn across multiple lanes. This led to a direct side-on collision from..

school_bus_drivers, Student_School_Bus_Safety, school_bus_laws

Florida school bus drivers

Florida School Bus Drivers Now Required to Have First Aid Training

Any time a child dies on-board a school bus, it's a tragedy - but it's particularly tragic when the death would have been preventable. That is the case in the death of Terissa Gautney on Feb 28, 2018, on a school bus in Bartow, Florida. Terissa was a speci..

school_bus_drivers, Florida_school_bus_drivers

school bus drivers

School Bus Driver Shortage: Indiana District Turns to Teachers

School districts around the nation continue to suffer from the school bus driver shortage, with no relief in sight. It may even be getting worse. In a recent online poll of School Transportation News readers, an astounding eighty-four percent of districts ..

school_bus_driver_shortage, school_bus_drivers

school bus drivers

Retraining School Bus Drivers: Four Tips

All school bus drivers will spend plenty of time in training sessions throughout their career, with much of it mandated by local or state laws. However, sometimes you may have one or more drivers who need more intensive retraining to get them back on track..


school bus drivers

How School Bus Drivers Can Encourage Reading And Studying On The Route

Like many people, we were charmed by the recent Motherly article making the rounds about an Arkansas bus driver encouraging reading on her bus. If you missed it, a bus driver and special ed teacher named Julie Callison keeps a bucket full of books on her b..


School Bus Drivers

School Bus Drivers Must Constantly Adapt to Changing Weather

While politicians may still argue over the impact of global climate change, few people on the ground still seriously doubt that climate change is real - and it's causing a lot of unpredictable weather. School districts and school bus drivers need to be pre..



How Would Your School Bus Drivers Respond If A Fire Broke Out?

On January 31, 2019, a driver in Tamarac, Florida, had to deal with one of the nightmare scenarios most school bus drivers hope they never have to handle - a fire onboard the bus. For reasons still under investigation, black smoke started coming out of the..


School Bus Drivers-2

Six Ways to Support Your School Bus Drivers

Do your bus drivers feel well-supported by management and other employees of your school district? With the school bus driver shortage still causing problems, this is an important question! A district needs to maintain awareness of their drivers' morale. O..


school bus drivers-3

School Bus Drivers: New FMCSA Diabetes Rule

Insulin-dependent diabetics got a big piece of good news this month: Thanks to a Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) rule change, it is now much easier for them to receive commercial interstate driver's licenses.


School Bus Drivers-4

Five Best Practices for Hiring School Bus Drivers

Are you having much luck hiring new school bus drivers? If you're like many districts around the country, this is a constant source of frustration. The bus driver shortage shows no signs of abating, with some outlets even referring to it as "the new norm."..


school bus drivers (1)

Train Drivers To Connect With Special Needs Students On The School Bus

Are your bus drivers doing everything they can to look after any special needs students riding the school bus? Of course, every student on a school bus deserves care and respect, but special needs students need a bit more care. It's vitally important that ..

special_needs_students, school_bus_drivers

school bus drivers-5

Holiday Time: 4 Ways to Show Appreciation for School Bus Drivers

All too often, being a bus driver can feel like a thankless job. School bus drivers have to work genuinely inconvenient hours, and spend most of their time on the job getting yelled at by their passengers, district parents, or both. Not to mention the stre..


school bus video

School Bus Video Aids Accused Driver

On Tuesday, September 4, 2018, the West Mifflin, Pennsylvania, police department received a disturbing complaint. Two middle school girls were alleging that their school bus driver had committed "inappropriate actions" towards them, which were implied to b..

school_bus_video, school_bus_drivers, School_Bus_Surveillance

School Bus Drivers Stop Bullying

School Bus Drivers: Protecting Disabled Students From Bullying

Bullying is a hot topic at the moment, with many seeing the proliferation of bullying as one of the biggest problems in modern school districts. Administrators are under pressure to cut down on bullying and, in particular, shield disabled students from att..

school_bus_bullying, bullying, school_bus_drivers

school bus drivers-1.jpg

Bonuses to Attract School Bus Drivers: 5 Tips

The current school bus driver shortage shows no signs of abating. In fact, if more states follow Tennessee's lead and start imposing stricter requirements on school bus drivers, that could actually make the recruitment-and-retention problem worse. It's a d..

Transportation_Management_Software, transportation_management_services, school_bus_tracking_software, school_bus_drivers, route_efficiency

TN School Bus Drivers.jpg

More Stringent Requirements for TN School Bus Drivers

On November 21, 2016, a true tragedy occurred in Tennessee. A 24-year-old school bus driver with a history of speeding was involved in a school bus crash that killed six students and injured over a dozen more. In response, the state of Tennessee enacted Ho..

school_bus_drivers, School_bus_driver_trainig, School_bus_driver_safety

School bus drivers (2)-1.jpg

School Bus Drivers: 4 Bright Recruiting Ideas

Districts everywhere are suffering from a lack of school bus drivers, and the shortage shows no signs of going away. If you’re going to get the drivers you need, you often have to be more clever than other recruiters. In previous blogs, we’ve covered many ..


Should School Bus Drivers Get Diversity Training?

While it's true that bus driver training is already a fairly lengthy process, more school districts are starting to add another element to their curriculum: diversity training. Providing diversity training to your school bus drivers can help them fit in be..


Five Reasons School Bus Drivers Quit

The current shortage of school bus drivers is really a twofold problem. Part of the problem is recruitment, but the other part is in retention. School bus drivers have a turnover rate that's significantly higher than average - particularly when it comes to..


Fifteen Ways School Administrators Can Support School Bus Drivers

Given how badly the school bus driver shortage is affecting school districts around the country, it's absolutely vital that school transportation directors and administrations do whatever they can to retain the drivers on their payroll. In many areas, this..

Drivers, school_bus_drivers


Routing Software Keeps Drivers Updated

With challenges such as students moving in and out of the school district and moving to new homes within the district, school bus drivers need to stay informed about where to pick up the children they are driving to school. When student bus stops change, w..

route_software, route_planning_software, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_drivers

Is There Really a School Bus Driver Shortage?

School districts across the country are dealing with a critical bus driver shortage. This is not a new problem, but it’s an issue that is increasing in severity. In 2014, only 15 percent of school bus contracting companies reported no driver shortage. In 2..

school_bus_transportation_software, school_bus_driver_shortage, student_transportation_management, school_bus_drivers


Texas School Bus Drivers: Driver Record Evaluation

School bus drivers have a tremendous responsibility. They are, after all, transporting precious cargo. Not only do they need to possess the skills to operate a large vehicle safely, they also need behavior management, problem solving, and risk management k..

school_bus_fleet, driver_record_evaluation, Texax_school_buses, Texas_school_bus_drivers, school_bus_drivers

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