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school bus routing software

BusBoss Products And Features

Comprehensive School Bus Software For Routing

BusBoss school bus routing software delivers world-class transportation routing and scheduling solutions for school districts, transportation providers and other community organizations across the United States and Canada.

Each year, school districts without school bus transportation software spend several months manually scheduling bus routes for their students. With BusBoss school bus routing software, you are able to reduce all of that work to a fraction of the time.

The BusBoss routing software product suite offers you comprehensive yet flexible tools for creating, maintaining and continually optimizing your school bus routes:


To ensure you are able to start using BusBoss routing software right away, our staff converts your students, schools and district boundaries, drivers, vehicles, bus stops, addresses and routing information to the BusBoss database format.

When you receive your school bus routing software, it comes pre-loaded with all of your school district’s data. We work with you every step of the way to ensure you have BusBoss running smoothly and as quickly as possible.

What’s the best version of BusBoss for you? Click here to check out our comparison chart.


A Summary Of BusBoss Features

  • Allow multiple users to simultaneously view, modify and retrieve information
  • Create and save unlimited scenarios for “what if” school bus transportation planning
  • Achieve school bus fleet optimization by adhering to user-defined criteria while utilizing one-way roads, turn restrictions, roadblocks and height/weight road travel restrictions
  • Access detailed area maps pre-loaded with street names, house numbers, rivers, lakes, parks, etc.
  • Easily edit your school bus routing maps to add new roads, bus stops, house locations and travel restrictions (road blocks, turn restrictions, height/weight restrictions, etc.)
  • Automatically assign students to bus stops based on each school’s user-defined walk-to-stop distances
  • Route daily pick-up and/or drop-off locations for alternate addresses, such as primary, secondary, childcare and split-custody routing (students may have an unlimited number of addresses)
  • Automatically assign students to unlimited pick-up and drop-off transfers
  • Generate credit-card-style bus passes (with or without a charge to the student) that are used throughout your district for tracking attendance, ridership, library checkout and more
  • Track student incident problems by date and driver, and print or email reports to parents and school principals
  • Store unique school calendars for each school in your district
  • Create school zones for redistricting and displaying school attendance and rider eligibility boundaries
  • Save historical student and school bus routing data for accurate daily reporting
  • Access up-to-date sex offender locations with built-in nearby stop alerts
  • Customize your software installation and receive on-site, personal training tailored to your needs
  • Receive quality annual maintenance and support


BusBoss System Integration Features

Student Information System Integration
If your school district uses any type of student accounting system (such as Tenex, PowerSchool, Skyward, Sapphire, etc.), there is a built-in interface that imports student information directly into BusBoss.

GPS Tracking Integration
If you need to track bus routes or students, specifically where and how fast their vehicles are going, there is GPS tracking equipment available from many hardware vendors which displays directly within our BusBoss school bus routing software. Integrated vehicle and student GPS monitoring is available using the BusBoss TRIPpatrol™ GPS Tracking and STUDENTpatrol™ GPS Tracking functionality.


How Does BusBoss Save You Money?

BusBoss pays for itself in terms of cost-savings, with improved school bus routing efficiency and transportation services within the first year.

Cost savings are typically reported as a result of reducing the number of vehicles needed for transporting students. The elimination of just one bus is more than enough to pay for the cost of your school bus routing software.

Improved school bus transportation is another benefit of using BusBoss products. Our routing software helps you easily create more efficient bus routes to reduce the time students spend on the bus. The reduction of miles traveled also minimizes the expense of vehicle maintenance costs.

BusBoss school bus routing software also retains crucial historical records to ensure your school district receives timely, accurate state reimbursements without the embarrassment of publicized audit findings.

Are you shopping around for school bus routing software? BusBoss features a price-match guarantee if you bring a competitor’s proposal of comparable products and services to the table.


Learn More About BusBoss Products

Free Guide: Your Comprehensive Guide To Student GPS Tracking - Download Your Free Guide

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