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Bus Routing Software Support

BusBoss Bus Routing Software Support

Training, Maintenance And Remote Assistance

Once you’ve purchased your BusBoss bus routing software, you aren’t left alone to deal with any issues or questions that may arise while using the system. Our goal is to help you gain total control of your bus routing and scheduling, and that includes ongoing support during the lifetime of your transportation management system.

We have a range of training, support and maintenance offerings to ensure you get the most from your transportation management solutions:

SuccessRoute Training

BusBoss offers a variety of bus routing software training options to accommodate your needs and help you optimize your user experience.

Online Training

Registered users of BusBoss’ transportation management system receive full access to our free, four-day online training program.

Live Chat

Our live assistance option for your bus routing software system helps you learn more about our services and also troubleshoot any software issues as they arise.

Peer-to-Peer Support Forum

BusBoss customers can offer helpful suggestions and tips, as well as post questions to our online support forum.

Support And Maintenance

When you partner with BusBoss for your transportation management solutions, you are getting built-in superior support to achieve greater efficiency for your bus routes while also improving student safety.

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Software Demo On How To Make Bus Routing Easy

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