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Personalized School Bus Routing Software

Bus Routing Software 

How Can BusBoss Help You?

Transportation Department


Information Technology (IT)

BusBoss Features For Your Routing & Scheduling Needs

BusBoss Routing
Easily create and modify your school bus routes, stops and set of buses in a variety of combinations using a graphic map of your school district. Our routing software also comes with a fleet optimization tool that automatically generates optimal routes and assigns students to transfer buses. Routes may be displayed using different colors to keep paths and stops highly organized.

Special Education Routing
BusBoss has the ability to graphically display bus stops and house locations of students with special needs. Routing functions are the same for special education routes as for regular routes.  

Student Incidents
Monitor and manage student incidents to record the date, person reporting, description of the incident and action taken. Incident reports can be printed by student or by driver.

Students And Drivers
Assign students to bus stops either automatically or manually, while storing an unlimited number of student addresses. This function also allows you to track student incidents, graphically display bus stops and house locations of students with special needs and track driver information and receive alerts when re-certifications are due.

GIS Maps
Add a new development or road in a matter of seconds with an editing toolbar featured on your detailed map, which comes pre-loaded with street names and house numbers. Since all of your map data is stored in the same database for students, schools, routes and more, you may share map data across your network with no additional steps.

Geocode Addresses
Locate student addresses and stops on your map automatically or manually, and manually move any automatically located addresses or bus stops. Since BusBoss functions the same whether school districts locate student addresses or not, you don’t have to locate student addresses in order to obtain full routing functionality.

Sex Offenders And Threat Zones
Visually identify the location of sex offenders and threat zones located within your school district to ensure bus stops are kept at a safe distance and students are kept safe. Daily updates for sex offenders may be downloaded automatically from the Family Watchdog website (annual fees apply).

Create unlimited sets of school boundaries for redistricting scenarios due to a school closing, new school opening or as a way to balance bus loads at existing schools. Aid the political process by creating small neighborhood zones and generate student count reports to assist the school board in their decision-making process.

State Transportation Funding Reports
The BusBoss transportation management system delivers accurate state reporting to ensure maximum state funding reimbursements. Monthly, quarterly and annual state reports may be generated from within BusBoss to eliminate the need for manual reporting. PDE-1049 and DRTRS electronic submissions are also available.

SQL Server Database
BusBoss uses Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005 or higher, and the database may be located on Windows Server 2000, 2003, 2008 or 2008 R2. The BusBoss program may be used on a single monitor or on a network, and multiple users may simultaneously view, modify, retrieve and print information. Open records are automatically locked to prevent overwriting someone else's changes.

System Requirements
If this system is only going to be used for BusBoss, there’s no need to purchase a server machine for your server (a high-end workstation machine is sufficient). If there are going to be more than five concurrent users, we highly recommend purchasing Microsoft SQL Server to store the data. For detailed system requirements, visit our System Requirements page.

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