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BusBoss Blogs


On-the-Fly Routing: Navigating Challenges When School Buses or Drivers Are Unavailable

Far too many school districts have difficulty recruiting and keeping bus drivers, often making do with a bare minimum number of drivers. This creates challenges in the best of times but can pose a serious problem if a driver is absent and no backup is avai..

school_bus_routing_software, Driver, Drivers, School_Buses, School_bus_industry

Timely School Bus Stops: Addressing the Consequences of Inaccurate Stop Time Adjustments

Most days, school bus passenger loading and unloading is safe and timely. Districts input pickup wait times (3 minutes is average) and drop-off times based on historical data their software provides. But complications including weather and traffic can impa..

Fleet_Tracking_Systems, School_Bus_Routing, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_industry, School_Bus_Routing_System

School Bus Routing Software & Licenses

One definition of “change management” is that it is the intentional route traveled by an organization – school district or transportation service providers, for example – from where you are to where you want to be. There are few surprises if the change is ..

BusBoss, School_Bus_Routing, GIS_routing_systems, school_bus_software, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_industry

School Bus Map Mayhem: Rectifying Outdated or Incorrect Maps

You may also have fewer bus drivers than you’d like. You need to keep costs to a minimum. But it’s more important than ever to have well-optimized routes for your school buses. This is why, for years, most school districts have adopted bus routing software..

school_bus_routing_software, School_Bus_Technology, School_bus_fleet_development, School_bus_industry, School_Bus_Routing_System

Help for the Biggest School Bus Transportation Woes

Managing a school district’s transportation system has never been easy, and it seems to be getting harder. While the industry has largely recovered from COVID disruptions, there are still numerous pressing issues facing district transportation managers acr..

Transportation_Management_Software, School_Buses, student_transportation_software, school_bus_transportation, School_bus_industry

Simplifying the Mountain of Paperwork in School Bus Transportation

During the early 1900s…states distributed funds to school districts based on “flat grants…” one basic dollar amount per student to each district regardless of its wealth or need. -The Process of Education Reform

BusBoss, School_Buses, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_industry, school_transportation_management

School Bus Contractors: CERTS Coronavirus Relief Grants Detailed

Near the end of 2020, Congress and President Trump passed the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021, which contained provisions for $2 billion in economic relief for transportation companies negatively impacted by the COVID-19 outbreak. These provisions ..

student_bus_transportation, School_bus_industry, school_bus_contractors, COVID-19_relief

Disinfecting School Buses: Are There Long Term Effects?

When the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak hit, properly disinfecting school buses became a top priority for school districts. At a minimum, districts stepped up the use of disinfecting chemicals and products like hand sanitizer. Many even upgraded their buses, insta..

school_bus_safety, School_bus_industry, covid-19, school_bus_cleaning, Disinfecting_school_buses

School Bus Industry: Front-line Heroes

We recently saw a wonderful article from School Transportation News (STN) highlighting some of the most extraordinary things done by school bus drivers in the past year. The COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak challenged service workers around the world to step ..

school_bus_transportation, school_bus_drivers, School_bus_industry

Leveraging School Bus Technologies To Support Parents During The Coronavirus Outbreak

It's hard to even list all the ways that the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak is affecting communities across America. Many of these problems center on schools and school districts. On one hand, the rational response to a disease outbreak is to limit in-perso..

student_bus_transportation, School_Bus_Technology, School_bus_industry

COVID-19 Impacts on the School Bus Industry

There has never been a more uncertain time for the school bus industry, at least in recent memory. The outbreak of the COVID-19 coronavirus has disrupted schools, businesses, and transportation across North America, and there are no signs of that disruptio..

student_bus_transportation, School_bus_industry, covid-19

school bus industry

Will Propane Lead the School Bus Industry?

In a recent webinar, the President of ROUSH CleanTech, Todd Mouw, made a bold proclamation: "Propane [in school buses] is going to be the lead horse for the next decade," referring to its status as the most commonly used alt fuel. ROUSH CleanTech provides ..


school bus transportation-1

Are You Educating Parents On The Benefits Of Riding The School Bus?

Have you reminded your district's parents and guardians about why riding the school bus is important? School buses have been part of American school life even before the invention of the motor engine, with the earliest "buses" being horse-drawn. It's easy ..

school_bus_transportation, School_bus_industry, School_Bus_Passenger_Safety

School Bus Industry Trade Shows

Are School Bus Industry Trade Shows Worth It?

As a school district transportation manager you always have a lot on your plate, but that shouldn't stop you from taking time for personal development and networking. There are several major school bus trade shows around the country every year, and they ar..

school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_trends, School_bus_industry, School_Transportation_Trade_Show

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