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BusBoss Blogs


Timely School Bus Stops: Addressing the Consequences of Inaccurate Stop Time Adjustments

Most days, school bus passenger loading and unloading is safe and timely. Districts input pickup wait times (3 minutes is average) and drop-off times based on historical data their software provides. But complications including weather and traffic can impa..

Fleet_Tracking_Systems, School_Bus_Routing, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_industry, School_Bus_Routing_System

School Bus Routing Software & Licenses

One definition of “change management” is that it is the intentional route traveled by an organization – school district or transportation service providers, for example – from where you are to where you want to be. There are few surprises if the change is ..

BusBoss, School_Bus_Routing, GIS_routing_systems, school_bus_software, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_industry

Student Data Dilemmas: Integrating SIS for Accurate and Up-to-Date Information in 2024

Every student record update begins with one person. And therein lies the challenge: If that one person’s pupil-information update within his or her specific records platform doesn’t integrate across all software platforms… Well, you’ve seen the result.

BusBoss, Student_Tracking_Software, School_Bus_Routing, School_Buses, Student_Transportation, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_fleet_development

Time's Up: Urgency in Addressing School Bus Drivers with Expired Credentials

As a school district transportation coordinator, it's vital to ensure your buses are always fit for duty. Typically this involves focusing on repair and maintenance issues. However, it can be easy to overlook one other crucial matter: credentials. Your dri..

BusBoss, School_Bus_Routing, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_Bus_Routing_System

Simplifying the Mountain of Paperwork in School Bus Transportation

During the early 1900s…states distributed funds to school districts based on “flat grants…” one basic dollar amount per student to each district regardless of its wealth or need. -The Process of Education Reform

BusBoss, School_Buses, School_Bus_Technology, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_bus_industry, school_transportation_management

Data-Driven Decision-Making: How Analytics Revolutionize School Transportation

In 2016, the Maine Department of Education performed a Transportation Case Study. Software for school bus transportation had never been used, and its implementation enabled the transportation department to replace manual bus-routing processes with technolo..

BusBoss, GIS_technology, GIS_routing_systems, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, school_transportation_software

Juggling Responsibilities in School Bus Operations

School transportation directors: are you keeping the needs of your bus drivers in mind? They have to juggle a lot of responsibilities on the road, while still keeping their passengers safe. There's a lot you can do to make their lives easier, while also he..

school_bus_policies, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_Bus_Routing_System, route_efficiency, school_bus_operations

Aging School Buses

Four Reasons to Replace Aging School Buses

School buses are extremely expensive, and represent a huge investment for any school district which has purchased a fleet. It's entirely understandable that a district would want to get the most possible use out of their buses. However, nothing escapes the..

school_bus_safety, school_bus_fleet_optimization, School_Bus_Fleet_Management

sschool bus fleet tracking

Five Must-Have Fleet Tracking Features

As things stand, there are a lot of arguments in favor of embracing a school bus tracking system, and very few reasons not to. Tracking your school buses on the road gives you much better insight into your bus operations, provides plenty of data to help lo..

fleet_gps_tracking, School_Bus_Fleet_Management

school bus fleet-1

Safe Fleet to Offer Perimeter Safety Solutions in 2019

There is no doubt that the most dangerous time for any student riding the bus is when they are getting on and off the bus. The entire perimeter around the bus has been dubbed the "danger zone" due to how exposed students are. So, one major focus of school ..

school_bus_fleet_optimization, school_bus_fleet, School_Bus_Fleet_Management

School Bus Fleet Management: Using Technology to Manage Risks

Taking preventative measures to reduce risks when routing children is especially important in all sectors. Managing risk is an important component of school bus fleet management and technology is helping to ease the burdens that transportation officials fa..


School Bus Fleet Management: Pros and Cons of Alt-Fuels

Alternative fuels such as propane or compressed natural gas (CNG) are a hot topic within the transportation industry, including those involved in school bus fleet management. Everyone knows we have a limited supply of petroleum on the planet and that regul..


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