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BusBoss Blogs


Juggling Responsibilities in School Bus Operations

School transportation directors: are you keeping the needs of your bus drivers in mind? They have to juggle a lot of responsibilities on the road, while still keeping their passengers safe. There's a lot you can do to make their lives easier, while also he..

school_bus_policies, School_Bus_Fleet_Management, School_Bus_Routing_System, route_efficiency, school_bus_operations

School Bus Transportation: COVID-19 Relief Funding

If your school district is in need of school bus transportation upgrades to help you deal with COVID-19 or to otherwise upgrade your school, there's good news. Congress has passed several bills recently aimed at providing COVID-19 funding to schools, and t..

school_bus_policies, school_bus_transportation, school_bus_funding, school_bus


South Carolina District Gets Tough on School Bus Riders

A Policy Overhaul Keeping students safe from accidents and violent behavior in the classroom is naturally a top priority for school districts across the country. Student safety is just as important during the trip to and from school, where small distractio..

school_bus_safety, South_Carolina_school_buses, school_bus_policies, school_bus_riders

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