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BusBoss Blogs


Overcoming Inefficiencies in Outdated School Bus Routes

Houston parents were concerned and then angry about hours-long school bus routes for the district’s student-passengers. “The kids get off the bus and they rush to the bathroom,” said one mom. Another parent said he tracked his student; after one hour on th..

bus_routing_software, bus_routing, routing_and_scheduling_software, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_fleet, GIS_routing_systems, student_transportation_software, school_bus, route_efficiency

Congressional Representative Pushes for School Bus Only CDL

It's no secret that the school bus driver shortage is only getting worse. Year after year, school districts are having more difficulty finding drivers, and it's becoming an increasing burden on district transportation managers. The ongoing COVID-19 outbrea..

School_Buses, student_bus_transportation, school_bus

School Bus Transportation: COVID-19 Relief Funding

If your school district is in need of school bus transportation upgrades to help you deal with COVID-19 or to otherwise upgrade your school, there's good news. Congress has passed several bills recently aimed at providing COVID-19 funding to schools, and t..

school_bus_policies, school_bus_transportation, school_bus_funding, school_bus

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