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BusBoss Blogs


Safe-Driving Incentives To Keep Your Top Bus Drivers

The use of in-bus GPS systems continues to spread, and for good reason. Geolocation tracking leads directly to better oversight, faster communication, shorter bus runs, and an overall safer experience for students on every ride.

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School Transportation Safety: 5 Crucial Tips for Driver Training

When it comes to providing school bus driver training, the key to success is going beyond the basics. Of course, a bus driver must know how to safely maneuver a bus, but the job of a school bus driver is filled with complexities that must be prepared for. ..

route_optimization, route_management_software, school_bus_routing_software, school_bus_safety, driver_training, school_transportation_safety, driver_training_requirements, school_bus_driver_shortage, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

Safer Bus Routes: Avoiding “Danger Zones” Takes A Two-Pronged Approach

Scheduling safe school bus routes is a serious initiative for every school district. As a school administrator, transportation manager, or transportation contractor, your main goal is to get students to and from school safely, every day.

bus_routing_software, bus_route_optimization, Student_Safety, school_transportation_safety, school_bus_driver_shortage, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages

School Transportation Safety: 5 Critical Tips for Driver Training

When it comes to providing school bus driver training, the key to success is going beyond the basics. Of course, a bus driver must know how to safely maneuver a bus, but the job of a school bus driver is filled with complexities that must be prepared for. ..

school_bus_safety, driver_training, school_transportation_safety

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