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BusBoss Blogs


Safe-Driving Incentives To Keep Your Top Bus Drivers

The use of in-bus GPS systems continues to spread, and for good reason. Geolocation tracking leads directly to better oversight, faster communication, shorter bus runs, and an overall safer experience for students on every ride.

bus_routing, bus_route_optimization, bus_management_system, bus_driver, school_bus_routing_software, School_Bus_Routing, school_transportation_safety, school_bus_driver_shortage, School_bus_driver_safety, inefficient_routes, outdated_routes, inaccurate_routes, route_efficiency, state_reporting, re-routing, bus_shortages


FMCSA Proposal: Screening School Bus Drivers for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a serious health condition that affects millions of Americans. Those that suffer from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) experience pauses in breathing throughout the night, which can lead to daytime sleepiness, lack of concentration, decreased m..

bus_driver, school_bus_safety, bus_driver_training, sleep_apnea_screening

4 Effective Techniques For Improving Your Bus Drivers Morale

Every day, millions of students get on board school buses, making them the most precious - and vulnerable- cargo on the road. One of a school's first and most important duties is ensuring those students reach their destination safely every time.

school_management_system, bus_driver, school_bus_driver

Safe-Driving Incentives To Keep Your Top Bus Drivers!

The use of in-bus GPS systems continues to spread, and for good reason. Geolocation tracking leads directly to better oversight, faster communication, shorter bus runs, and an overall safer experience for students on every ride.

bus_routing, bus_management_system, bus_driver

Plan Safer Field Trips With 3 Simple Driver Strategies

For hundreds of years, field trips have been a tried and true teaching technique. Taking students out of a classroom and into a "real world" situation has always been a good way of reinforcing the lessons, and showing that they aren't just abstract exercis..

school_management_system, bus_driver, school_bus_driver

How To Find The Best School Bus Driver

Being able to find and employ some of the best school bus drivers in the area no longer means having to go through countless resumes with no rhyme or reason. There is a system in which you can find key drivers that will be able to stay focused on the road,..

school_management_system, bus_driver, school_bus_driver

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