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school bus tracking

Why You Need a School Bus Tracking App

How much oversight do you have over your buses, while they're on the road? If one suddenly came to an unexpected stop or deviated from its route without warning, how long would it take you to know? For too many districts, the answer would be "a long time."..

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Bus Tracking Apps: Anticipating Parental Needs

If your district already utilizes tracking devices to plot your bus's location in real-time, it might be time to open up that service to more people in your community! Schools around the nation are beginning to offer smartphone apps to parents, allowing th..

school_bus_tracking_software, school_bus_tracking_systems, school_bus_tracking_app

school bus tracking

5 Reasons You Need a School Bus Tracking App

How much oversight do you have over your buses, while they're on the road? If one suddenly came to an unexpected stop or deviated from its route without warning, how long would it take you to know? For too many districts, the answer would be "a long time."..

school_bus_tracking_software, school_bus_tracking_systems, school_bus_tracking_app

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