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GPS Tracker Versus Bluetooth Tracker.jpg

GPS Trackers Versus Bluetooth Trackers: The Major Differences

There’s a lot of new high-tech devices being used in schools, and it’s easy to get confused about what they do, particularly when they seem to be similar products. So it’s not surprising that we get a lot of questions about GPS trackers versus Bluetooth tr..

student_gps_tracking, fleet_gps_tracking, RFID_School_Bus_Tracking, RFID_student_ridership_tracking, school_bus_tracking_systems

Student Tracking: Improving Safety on and off the School Bus

Is it time to consider student tracking systems? For an increasing number of school districts, the answer is yes. Student tracking, such as through RFID systems, offers many distinct benefits in terms of both safety and streamlined administration, with rel..

student_tracking, RFID_School_Bus_Tracking

Scope of RFID School Bus Tracking Systems in Security Measures

Radio frequency identification, also known as RFID, is a state-of-the-art technology that is used for many purposes, including keeping students safe. A student’s unique information is stored on a chip within a special ID card. This chip transmits identific..


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