BusBoss Transportation Software Blog

School Bus Routing Software: Frequently Asked Questions

Written by Sonia Mastros | 5/31/22 5:30 PM

You probably have some questions when it comes to all of this talk of school bus routing software, especially when so many other schools are starting to use it. It's not uncommon to have questions about software when it is promising such lofty goals: better bus route management, real-time mapping solutions, and streamlined ways to make sure all of the students get where they need to safely. So, are all of these promises reality? What can you expect from route management software? Here are the top four frequently asked questions on the software and all of their answers.

1. Isn't route planning software expensive?

Technology such as GPS and digital mapping have come a very long way since the 1990s and even the early 2000s. Rather than being expensive technology and software that only big companies or governments can use, it has become easily accessible to everyone. You can find GPS in your mobile device, computer, and even smaller GPS devices for normal use in cars. On that same note, digital mapping is also inexpensive and provides a much better ROI than traditional mapping. Now, even a school can afford school bus routing software and GPS for their entire school bus fleet.

2. How big is the learning curve with the software?

Fortunately, school bus routing software is very easy to pick up on for any level of computer savvy out there. If you don't think of yourself to be very knowledgeable on setting up and managing software, no problem! Route management is just like navigating Windows or browsing the Internet. There are drop-down menus and easy to configure hot keys that can be used for highly efficient route management without the fuss of learning a completely new system.

3. Can it archive route and bus fleet data for me?

Yes! School bus routing software can create a backlog or library of information that you can bring back up when completing state reports or other important paperwork. If you need to know how much the fleet went per mile for gas consumption expenses, the software can help you. And if you need to know the exact attendance numbers of students who frequently use the school buses, you also have that data available to you. This means you can get better funding because of exact numbers and not estimations.

4. Will it streamline my route management process?

If you're constantly stressed out, over working yourself, and don't have enough resources to complete everything, then school bus routing software is the solution for you. The software is there to help you become even more efficient with routing and streamline the entire process so you're not wasting so much time with more traditional means. Most schools are experiencing a huge influx of students and less faculty, so you have to be a master at time management. Route management software is built with exactly that in mind.

School bus routing software is a way for better, more efficient management with the aid of technology. Traditional means are becoming outdated and just wasting time and money.  Why not make the switch and see all the good that the software can provide for yourself?

What do you think? Are there other questions you have about school bus routing software? Let us know in the comments below or contact us!