BusBoss Transportation Software Blog

Why Do Companies Need Updated Transport Software?

Written by Sonia Mastros | 5/24/13 11:00 AM

Transportation software increases the viability for efficiency and in meeting your company's logistical goals. Your transportation system is possibly your most critical organ in the entire organization that needs constant monitoring and management. Since the scenarios and constraints are constantly changing, it is important that you have updated transport software to meet your goals:

1. Security

In almost every software based system, there are issues to do with security; transport software is no exception. You need to locate and plug in all the vulnerabilities that may exist or develop through the use of transport software. Challenges with your Information Technology infrastructure may present the entire organization with a compromise where unauthorized access to critical information could be experienced. Information like student identities and tags, vehicle registration information, and staff HR files are just some of the details that should be exclusive to a school transportation system.  Information that is critical to the proper operation of transport software.

2. Location information Updates

Location information is constantly changing. Competitive transport software solutions have the latest and most updated and informative Geo-locating maps. These maps are the topographical, political and socio-economic matrix of information over a geographical scale. They help the schools transportation coordinator, school administrators and other parties achieve accurate data for decision making and planning. Without updated changes being incorporated constantly, there might be gross errors implicated in the planning, routing, or management of the entire system.

3. Support

Any software that is under development or actualized for release is still under developmental support. There are very few ways of anticipating operational challenges with the transport software, hence the need to achieve the latest version updates to enhance user experience and allow realization of the solution. Without updates, there would be so many factors overlooked in the commissioning and operation of the transport software that may increase inefficiency, and reduce dependability exponentially.

4. Compatibility

This implies the ability of the transport software to operate under changing conditions:

  • The upgrade of new sensor and tracking technologies for your fleet

  • A change in operating system environments 

  • An upgrade to Information Technology infrastructure.

In order to achieve full compatibility, the transport software developers are constantly testing the system under different and trending conditions in delivering the most effective and dependable updates for your transport software package. Without these updates, you would find yourself in an increasingly tasking process of using the transport software as the original version has no way to intuitively respond to futuristic hardware and environmental changes.

5. Extra Features and Plug-ins

Competitive transportation software solutions offer the most accessible way of using the software in meeting your needs.  This includes the use of plug-ins to interact with your existing solutions that you deem necessary in your daily operations.  For example, a school management system.

Allowing integration is a way of achieving a better experience with your transportation software and inadvertently adding value to it. The developers are constantly at work in the integration of conventional software solutions in providing your transport software with new and innovative ways of making your daily operations easy and integrated, hence a gradual increase in features and plug-ins through updates.

6. Product Upgrades

Sometimes in the commissioning of transport software development cycle, there might come a need to make significant changes to existing solutions. This is what the developers refer to as product upgrades, which are free for most solutions. These upgrades replace old and redundant parts of your existing software in an attempt to improve the ability of the updated transport software's features:

  • Security

  • Efficiency

  • Compatibility

  • Location Updates

  • Extra Features and Plug-ins

  • Support Features

It is like an overview to the entire exercise that happens periodically in meeting the comprehensive needs of an updated transport software.